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Encouraging feedback from our viewers:


"As a Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministry for over 40 years, I’ve used hundreds of Creation vs Evolution resources of all kinds. Up to this time, the one best overall video-based resource I’ve found is the: ‘DISMANTLED: A Scientific Deconstruction of the Theory of Evolution” movie produced by “Back2Genesis”. In several segments, it excellently covers the basics and most up to date topics of origins, observational vs. historical science, macro vs. micro evolution, paleoanthropology and the so-called “missing links”, dating methods, and a great segment on genetics including “Mitochondrial Eve” & “Y chromosome Adam” – and much more! And it does it all with a Biblical view."  – Ken K. / January 2025


"The documentary is excellent, covering the 2 areas of the most recent findings in science (genetic and paleoanthropology) and correctly define the theory of evolution with clear objectivity from the standpoint of classical and modern discipline of biology." –P.C.

"Well done!! This was a very articulate and scientifically reasoned discussion on the facts supporting the Biblical account of the Origin of Species and the Creation of Man. It was technically superb. I have been intellectually wrestling with the Creation/Evolutional debate my entire life. I graduated with a degree in Zoology. I worked in biological research as a life long career." –R.C.

"The presentation was very professional and credible. It was a very positive examination of evidence, allowing the viewer to draw conclusions with dignity." –W.W.

"I studied a masters in Biology and see myself as very well informed in the topics mentioned. The things I found refreshing and unique about this movie was the excellence of its approach. It did not judge or look down upon science discrediting science as a whole but refreshingly used modern scientific argument to help debunk long held scientific assumptions. Very very well done movie. thank you so much for this." –S.B.

"It would be very hard for an open mind to disagree with your evidence. Thank you so much." –T.T.

"Excellently researched and produced scientific look at the science of evolution. Should be mandatory viewing for all junior and senior high students. Bravo!" –R.P.

"Brilliant production. Explained very clearly given the complexity of issues, especially for people without a scientific background. We will continue to promote 'Dismantled'. ... Look forward to Part II." –G.S.

"So excited to see modern science begin to prove Creation. For those of us who are Jesus followers it is wonderful to know we can refer nonbelievers to a documentary of this caliber along with the Bible to open their eyes and hearts to the truth." –K.S.

"This has to be the most compelling and diplomatic exposé of the fallacies of evolution that I have ever seen. ... And you did it without a single disparaging word about any evolutionists. In fact, you quoted their own words to dismantle their beliefs. Bravo!" –T.C.

 High quality productions like this are not possible for us without donor support. Will you help us to meet our production needs for future content?

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